About Us

We are a friendly group with over 80 members.  We meet monthly and usually have an interesting speaker, as well as time to socialise.  There is, however, no meeting in August, and our December meeting is for members only as it is our Christmas party.  

From April 2025 we will become an all evening WI again, having trialled split times for the past couple of years.  We hope to attract more working ladies who have been unable to join because of day time work.

The February and March 2025 meeting will, however, be 2.00pm - 4.00pm, Beaminster Public Hall, Fleet Street.

Beaminster WI was established on 2 January 1918 so is one of the oldest WIs in England at over 100, and plays a significant part in community life in this beautiful small town.

There are a number of Beaminster WI sub groups (available to Beaminster WI members only), and these include :

  • Book Clubs
  • Craft & Chatter
  • "Dinner Bells" monthly evening meal
  • Discussion Group
  • Exercise Class, and a separate Chair Based Exercise Class
  • Play Reading Group
  • Scrabble
  • Sunday Lunch for ladies on their own
  • Walk and Talk

Many firm friendships are formed from participating in these, and no member will be excluded from any sub group because it's full.  If necessary a second (or more) group will be set up.

Beaminster WI is always open to new members and up to three meetings can be attended as a guest to give visitors a chance to decide if they would like to join.

We have a dedicated Noticeboard in Beaminster Square where details of the forthcoming WI meeting are posted.  
There is also a telephone number for any further queries.