About Us
Sandford & Wareham WI formed in January 2018. We hold our meetings in the evening. Stoborough WI is nearby and hold their meetings in the afternoon. More details can be found on their webpages.
We meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm.
We support and uphold the WI values of truth, justice, tolerance and friendship. In other words, we are a friendly WI who are keen to welcome women of all ages. We like to have fun, but we also take an interest in more serious issues.
Our interests are varied with education, craft, local history and cookery being just a few of our diverse interests. Outings are also organised plus there are opportunities to attend events arranged by Dorset Federation.
We subscribe to the key messages that the WI is “here to inspire you, it’s what you make it and it can everything you want it to be”. The WI has long been recognized as a campaigning organisation that is a force for good.
Come and join us for an evening. Each WI is self-funding and you will probably have made up your mind about whether to join or not after a couple of visits. We hope you will want to be a member and enjoy the benefits of being part of the group.
We meet each month except in August. There is a short business meeting, a speaker or activity, and that all important social time with refreshments when we meet in the hall. The WI is a great place to make new friends and discover new interests.
There are many opportunities for women who join the WI and you will be a member of the largest organisation in the UK for women. Your membership can take you from local, to county to national involvement. The possibilities are endless.
Come and see for yourself. We look forward to meeting you.
These are additional get togethers centred around specific interests.
WALKING NETBALL - Walking Netball takes place each Tuesday from10.15am-12noon in Furzebrook Village Hall. All abilities welcome and no previous knowledge of netball is needed. The is a fun activity for all. There is a charge of £4 per session and refreshments will be provided after the session.
GARDENS AND WALKS - Enjoy time together with WI friends in lovely places. These activities mainly take place on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
CRAFT AND CHATTER – This group meets on the first Friday of the month from 10am-12noon. Knitting, sewing, card making to name but a few crafts. Pursue your own project or teach a new skill to a group member. Friendly, productive (well sometimes!) and fun.
SKITTLES - This group meets the last Thursday of the month from 10am-12noon and the cost is £2.
BOOK GROUP - This will take place on the 3rd Friday of the month from 10am-12noon. The cost will be £10 pa to cover the cost of multiple copy loans from the library service.
MUNCH CLUB - Visit the pubs, cafes and restaurants with WI friends on the 4th Friday of the month
The committee is elected from the membership annually and is responsible for the organisation and finances of our WI, and provides a link with the Dorset Federation Office.
SECRETARY - RosemaryHargrave
TREASURER - Lesley Eades