
1 May      "Ghosts and Hauntings"   -   Keith Morbey
Best Wedding Hat competition

5 Jun        "Miscellany"   -   Rev S. Timbrell

3 Jul         "My Experiences as a Stunt Woman"   -   Denise R Edwards

7 Aug        Members meeting

4 Sep       "The Role of Her Majesty's Coroner"   -   Sheriff Payne

2 Oct        "Eight Generations One Passion"   -   Martin Stewart

6 Nov        Craft Fair / RNLI   -   Howard Nicholls

4 Dec        Christmas Party - members only

1 Jan        NO MEETING

5 Feb       "Chasing Rainbows"   -    Alice May

5 Mar        "Fairgrounds during the War Years"   -   Kay Townsend

2 Apr         Annual meeting